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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy:

Amaranth Minerals' Privacy Policy outlines the collection, use, and sharing of personal information when users visit or make purchases through the website ("Site"). The collected data falls into two categories: Device Information (automatic data like browser details, IP address, and cookies) and Order Information (user-provided data during purchases, including name, addresses, and payment details). The term "Personal Information" encompasses both types.

Usage of Personal Information: Order Information is primarily used to fulfill orders, process payments, arrange shipping, and provide order-related communications. It is also employed for customer communication, risk assessment, and, in alignment with user preferences, to offer information or advertisements about products and services. Device Information aids in screening for potential risks or fraud, improving the Site's functionality, and assessing the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

Do Not Track: The Site does not modify its data collection practices based on Do Not Track signals from users' browsers.

User Rights: European residents have the right to access, correct, update, or request deletion of their personal information. Requests can be made through the provided contact information. It's highlighted that data processing occurs to fulfill contracts, pursue legitimate business interests, and may involve international transfers, including to Canada and the United States.

Data Retention: Order Information is retained for records unless users request its deletion.

Changes to the Policy: The Privacy Policy may be updated periodically to reflect changes in practices or for operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

Contact Information: For more details, inquiries, or complaints regarding privacy practices, users can contact Amaranth Minerals via email at